SARS-CoV-2 data and research

This compilation of sources was prompted by goverment and media misrepresentations of the coronavirus pandemic.

Consider weasel words such as “may,” “could,” “suggests,” “appears,” and “possibly” when deriving opinions from research papers, journals, and media.

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Current data sources

Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19) - Statistics and Research - Our World in Data

Johns Hopkins COVID-19 Dashboard

COVID-19 deaths per capita by country | Statista

U.S. COVID-19 death rate by state | Statista

COVID data tracker | CDC

Excess deaths with and without COVID-19 | CDC

Mask use in Europe | Statista

Masks and lockdowns

Face Masks to Prevent Transmission of Influenza Virus: A Systematic Review (April 2010) | Epidemiology and Infection

A cluster randomised trial of cloth masks compared with medical masks in healthcare workers (April 2015) | NIH

Face masks for the public during the covid-19 crisis (April 2020) | The BMJ

Respiratory virus shedding in exhaled breath and efficacy of face masks (April 2020) | Nature Medicine

Universal Masking in Hospitals in the Covid-19 Era (May 2020) | NEJM

Mouth and nose protection in public: No evidence of effectiveness (August 2020) | Thieme

Full-time mask-wearing brings its own set of problems (August 2020) | The Crimson White - UA

Mandatory masks in school are a ‘major threat’ to children’s development, doctors warn (September 2020) | Brussels Times

COVID cases growing faster in counties with mask mandates (October 2020) | The Sentinel

Authors Retract Study Showing Efficacy of Mask Mandates—as Biden Pushes Nationwide Requirement (November 2020) | FEE

Covid-19: politicisation, “corruption,” and suppression of science (November 2020) | The BMJ

COVID-19, Viral Load and Shedding: An Update (November 2020) | ACSH

Deaths of despair and the incidence of excess mortality in 2020 (December 2020) | NBER

Mask Mandates: Do They Work? (December 2020) | Heritage Foundation

An evidence review of face masks against COVID-19 (January 2021) | PNAS

Research: More than half of students suffered anxiety or depression during crisis (March 2021) | Brussels Times

CDC/WHO admit that masks don’t work but tell us to wear them anyway (March 2021) | Rational Ground

Experimental Assessment of Carbon Dioxide Content in Inhaled Air With or Without Face Masks in Healthy Children (June 2021) | JAMA

Impact of community masking on COVID-19: A cluster-randomized trial in Bangladesh (December 2021) | Science

The Bangladesh Mask study: a Bayesian perspective (May 2022) | ResearchGate

Re-analysis on the statistical sampling biases of a mask promotion trial in Bangladesh: a statistical replication (September 2022) | BMC

Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses (January 2023) | Cochrane Library

What about Sweden?

Open Schools, Covid-19, and Child and Teacher Morbidity in Sweden (February 2021) | NEJM

A year since pandemic began—a look at Sweden's Covid dead (March 2021) | Radio Sweden broadcast

Sweden, Covid and lockdown — a look at the data (May 2021) | The Spectator

Sweden: Despite Variants, No Lockdowns, No Daily Covid Deaths (July 2021) | AIER

Pandemic Policy Postmortem: Lessons from Sweden (August 2022) | CATO

No-Lockdown Sweden Seemingly Tied for Lowest All-Causes Mortality in OECD Since COVID Arrived (January 2023) | Reason

Sweden during the Pandemic: Pariah or Paragon? (August 2023) | CATO

Vaccines & Immunity

Covid-19: Do many people have pre-existing immunity? | The BMJ

Lasting immunity found after recovery from COVID-19 | NIH

Good news: Mild COVID-19 induces lasting antibody protection | WUSTL

Protection of previous SARS-CoV-2 infection is similar to that of BNT162b2 vaccine | medRxiv

Necessity of COVID-19 vaccination in previously infected individuals | medRxiv

Outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 Infections, Including COVID-19 Vaccine Breakthrough Infections, Associated with Large Public Gatherings — Barnstable County, Massachusetts, July 2021 | CDC

Comparing SARS-CoV-2 Natural Immunity to Vaccine-Induced Immunity: Reinfections versus Breakthrough Infections | Johns Hopkins

Seroprevalence of Infection-Induced SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies—United States, September 2021–February 2022 | CDC

Cardiac complications following mRNA COVID-19 vaccines: A systematic review of case reports and case series | NIH

Adverse effects of COVID-19 vaccines and measures to prevent them | NIH

Comorbidities and Hospitalizations

Most COVID-19 hospitalizations due to four conditions | NIH

In-hospital Mortality Among Hospital Confirmed COVID-19 Encounters by Week From Selected Hospitals | CDC

Laws Shield Hospitals From Families Who Believe Loved Ones Contracted Covid as Patients | KHN

Testing vs actual cases

Your Coronavirus Test Is Positive. Maybe It Shouldn’t Be. | NYTimes

Estimation of the fraction of COVID-19 infected people in U.S. states and countries worldwide | PLOS ONE

Politization of public health agencies

U.S. Public Health Agencies Aren't ‘Following the Science,’ Officials Say | Free Press


Mask mandates: Belgium vs Netherlands
Accurate as of November 1, 2020. Netherlands succumbed to political pressure and mandated masks beginning December 1, 2020. Death rate increased and then tracked more closely with Belgium. Social unrest also increased, pitting citizens against their police force.

I tested positive for SARS-CoV-2

Did masks work in Louisiana? (in August 2021)

The return of COVID mandates? (September 2023, Reason Magazine)

Non-COVID commentary

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convince them they've been fooled.”

 – Mark Twain (?)